
[Bug]: Multistep experiments have different time steps at transitions comparing pybamm and liionpack

TomTranter opened this issue · 0 comments

liionpack Version


Python Version


Describe the bug

def test_consistent_results_2_step(self):

This test fails as liionpack creates 21 time points and pybamm 22. The difference is around the transition where pybamm repeats the step at 10 s for the new experiment (ie includes a zero'th entry for cycle 2) and lp doesn't. Liionpack doesn't do any re-initialisation of solutions and fixes time steps at solve. This isn't ideal but it's not a major problem either and would eventually be fixed by merging solver routines into PyBaMM

Steps to Reproduce

No response

Expected behaviour

No response

Relevant log output

No response

Additional context

No response