
Monitoring on with pingdom or similar

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Monitoring on with pingdom or similar

pingdom costs money
uptime robot is free
here is a list of monitoring services

found article using this search phrase on google "free website uptime and availability test"
Making a free account was quick and easy.

I am pair programming with Daniel today to knock out a few tickets. I have a lot of experience with this particular topic in my professional work. In talking to Daniel, he said that in general, we want three different types of services (which may be beyond the scope of this ticket):

  • Exception catching
  • Performance (Page load time, backend, front-end, APDEX, etc)
  • Site-up monitoring (like mentioned in this ticket).

In my company, we did an extensive validation of site-up monitoring sites and landed on Monitis ( Although it is not free, it lets you pay for only what you need (which could be $1.20 per month in our case). The nice thing about Monitis is that you get pings from different locations (east coast, west coast, and midwest) -- within 1 minute -- and that can be valuable when you need to see if it's the site or the monitoring services. And, the worst evaluation in our list is Pingdom -- Often Pingdom would not catch real outages.

I am reviewing Uptime robot with Daniel this morning. They are free (which is great). However, they only ping every 5 minutes -- which allows the site to be down for longer. As Daniel points out, this would be great for now.

There is cross-over in some of these other services that we use:

For exception catching, we had been using Airbrake for the longest time. However, we are evaluating the move to Rollbar.

For performance monitoring, we are using New Relic -- which is an incredible tool for that (and it also does the exception catching and site-up monitoring). I will research to see if New Relic gives any free services to Open Source projects.

Addendum #1:
It looks like there is a New Relic program for Non-profits. However, we'd have to be a "qualifying 501c3":

The biggest news was the New Relic Non-Profit Program, which will offer qualifying 501c3 non-profit organizations up to five hosts of New Relic APM Pro for free, with significant discounts on additional APM hosts and other New Relic products.

Addendum #2:
Daniel M. has told me that Daniel P. has started looking at Rollbar. To keep within the scope of this ticket, we can just look at the implementation of UpTime Robot.

Daniel M. has added a one-page alert for PyBay. These are the notifications that he is adding:

If Glen gets any alerts, he'll call Daniel, Grace etc. to be sure they saw the message.

Update: This issue is still open as we want to also remind ourselves to add Simeon to the alert list (before we close the issue).

Can I get added to the alerts?