
Latest ABC / SV contentious hardfork

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi Teran! What are you up to these days?

What is the best way to contact you to chat privately? I am interested in maybe porting bitcash over to the latest system but I'm not sure what side of the fence you're on with that and just wanted to discuss around it a bit.

There are heaps of javascript libraries out there but I think it's really nice to have a python one - even if it's basic. You never know - some heavier hitters might be willing to help out if it got good enough.



Been busy, less technical work lately. email or Bitmessage. BM-2cUbcEfGKbVN16aVusiYDeBAtb1gj3q98M or sega01 shift+2,

Haven't followed the fork much. Probably leaning more towards ABC but happy to discuss either way.

Thanks for your message.


I've just now relocated the repo to
Available on pypi:
PS: More than happy to add you to collaborators with commit access


That is great to hear. I'm a bit busy now but I am interested in learning more about SV.

Let me do my research and get back to you.



Sure thing mate. :) Open invitation to discuss over Skype or whatever too.

Btw, I had to delete the repo and import to new repo to "unfork" it... so you'll have to re-watch / star bitsv sorry. Thought it best to set it all up properly before pypi... :)

Gotcha, thanks for letting me know. Probably busy the next couple weeks, but we will see.
