
Travis CI fails

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I noticed that Travis CI often fails one of the jobs:

Python 3.7 for example here but it sometimes is 3.6 or 5. I never get this locally.

It seems that it is always private_key.send failing, I am not sure why. Maybe some jobs are concurrent and that messes the UTXO set for key.get_unspents?

I will investigate that. If anyone has an idea please let me know 😄

I get Cloudflare 520 errors:

520 Web Server Returned an Unknown Error
The origin server returned an empty, unknown, or unexplained response to Cloudflare.

What did you get the Clouidflare errors from?

I am guessing the tests are running in parallel and the unspents change too quickly so one ends up failing. If they were in series this might be fine.

I think is experiencing issues, I have seen people complain recently. I also experience these in the browser sometimes.

I see. That's likely the case then. I should see about serializing the Travis builds either way.

Nice! Hope it wasn't just luck.