
Error when trying to get Tx Details from BchTestnet using NetworkAPI.get_transaction_testnet

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When trying to get details of an existing transaction on the Testnet the following error is raised:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bitcash/network/", line 489, in get_transaction_testnet
return api_call(txid)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bitcash/network/", line 298, in get_transaction_testnet
tx = Transaction(response['txid'], response['blockheight'],
KeyError: 'blockheight'

Steps taken with no success:
-Increased service timeout

Seems that the bug it's that there is no "/tx/" in rest api but instead it's$TxId
(trest in case of testnet)

Thanks for looking into that. Let me get back to you.

Yeah, this is definitely broken.

@merc1er, it looks like get_transaction is broken on bitcore and on Do you know if this was changed recently or maybe broken to begin with?

I'm pretty sure it was broken to begin with. I am working on this.

This is somewhat fixed at

Tested with:

import bitcash'0d840c0351f554fa2579e7d47c025ab5d22eb1d4ca34126b7eaa8f5195a2a849')'37e22c74c09f61a03d4e9fd64602c716fa65377cf3561dc9bab7ac12a25483ee')

This should return:
0d840c0351f554fa2579e7d47c025ab5d22eb1d4ca34126b7eaa8f5195a2a849 in block 623076 for 18471968 satoshi (18471159 sent + 809 fee) with 3 inputs and 4 outputs

37e22c74c09f61a03d4e9fd64602c716fa65377cf3561dc9bab7ac12a25483ee in block 1173910 for 1095999600 satoshi (1094999600 sent + 1000000 fee) with 1 input and 101 outputs

Ok after testing this is working for all transactions except coinbase transaction because they do not have inputs.


>>> import bitcash
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/corentinmercier/Documents/bitcash/bitcash/network/", line 472, in get_transaction
    return api_call(txid)
  File "/Users/corentinmercier/Documents/bitcash/bitcash/network/", line 132, in get_transaction
    (Decimal(response['valueIn']) *
KeyError: 'valueIn'

If anyone can look into it feel free to submit PRs to merc1er/bitcash.

Fixed in #60

Thank you, @merc1er! @selfdrivingmenee, can you test master and see if it works for you?

Working thanks!