
Testnet addresses not working

Closed this issue · 15 comments

I try some simple testnet transactions from a funded address, however it raises ValueError: Transactions must have at least one unspent.

get_balance() method keeps returning 0.

Likely reason is the testnet explorer is down (it shows no new block data and the latest transactions I can find there are from May 15th.)

Any option to use an alternative service?

What version are you using?

Should have been fixed in See issue #63

But, might need more work.

bitcash.__version__ is

Could it be the case that the server is not returning error, just empty data?

It depends. It might be giving a false positive return of 0. But if it's returning any kind of error, we should be throwing an error rather than giving you back 0.

I don't know the bitcash internals, but some simple tests with show that the API is indeed reporting zero balance for these addresses. It appears the service was not upgraded past May 15th and is not aware of any new transactions.

Any easy way to switch the default service endpoint to use as a workaround?

That's not good. I hope they fix that.

You should be able to get rid of the BitcoinDotCom references there. Let me know if that fixes it for you. is no longer maintained.
I will submit a PR to remove it.

Thank you, @merc1er!

Done! #71

@dkaparis could you please try that these changes work for you too? Repo: merc1er/bitcash

Also, I didn't remove altogether as I was told it's "holding on by the skin of its teeth". They are currently waiting on the testnet indexer to catch up.

Looks good to me. @dkaparis if this works for you, I'll go ahead and merge it.

Done! #71

@dkaparis could you please try that these changes work for you too? Repo: merc1er/bitcash

Just tried it, works for me.

Great! Do you need a new release as well? @merc1er, do you know if we had anything else ready for a new release?

@merc1er, do you know if we had anything else ready for a new release?

I would like to update the transaction fee thing (#66) but I haven’t started working on it yet.

Let’s close this @teran-mckinney?