
Testnet data isn't updated well

Closed this issue · 18 comments

I've noticed that testnet data isn't being updated and I get wrong results when I query for address balance or transactions.

I've compared the results with data and I found that bitcash testnet data is not updated.


Would be useful to know sources or add more ones.

Agreed, the testnet API(s) might well be out of date.

Seems like is no longer maintained.

Do you know alternatives? seems to only be an explorer (also doesn't support HTTPS)

I talked with the guys at but they only support calls with authentication. I think we want to avoid that ideally

Both Bitcore and are unmaintained and highly unreliable.

Here are three options I am thinking about:

  • change provider (not ideal)
  • host our own infrastructure (I am looking into it for testnet)
  • use a different way of communication with nodes (e.g. Fulcrum via sockets)

Do you think costs for hosting our own could be covered?

That would be awesome. I know a company that will deploy instances of to the public - not sure exactly when but they're working on it.

In the meantime I could run my own server - the testnet chain is apparently "only" 55 GB - I don't know anyone who could cover this though.

Will it run on a spinning disk or do we need a SSD?

Will it run on a spinning disk or do we need a SSD?

HDD is enough

What API would we run on it?

I see a $7/month server on OneProvider that could handle it.

What API would we run on it?

I see a $7/month server on OneProvider that could handle it.

With 60+ GB of storage? Also I haven't tried on testnet, but for mainnet you would need a better CPU and more RAM than what basic VPS usually offer

Also I think I would run an instance of for the time being. I hear fulcrum/electrum protocol would actually be more reliable, but that requires much more work.

Yeah, 128GB SSD or 1TB HDD.

I see, it may be the best way to go.

I am setting up a local testnet node + rest API at using BCH-toolkit.

It is harder than expected, closed source one of the key components, breaking most of the REST API's features 😅. But @ActorForth have been working on a replacement that needs to be adjusted and should work just fine soon.

Ah, wow. Nice work! - this is probably a better option

Great find. That is promising. - this is probably a better option

This does not seem to support testnet out of the box though - this is probably a better option

This does not seem to support testnet out of the box though

It does have a server for testnet:

You can now customise the testnet endpoint with your own node running BCH-toolkit by setting the BITCOINCOM_API_TESTNET environment variable as per