
__str__ not always working

Michael-E-Rose opened this issue · 1 comments

The str dunder for each class prints out some basic information. However, depending on the view, not all information is present, resulting in an ugly Exception.

For example print(str(AbstractRetrieval("2-s2.0-85166620539", view="META"))) doesn't work.

Some tasks:

  • Find out which class-view combinations do not work
  • For each, decide whether to provide fewer information in the __str__ or skipt it altogether (i.e., return None)
  • For each class where __str__ will be shut off for at least one view, update the documentation

There are 4 class-view combinations that trow an error:

nr class view query error_description
1 AbstractRetrieval META scopus_object = AbstractRetrieval('S092427162100068X', view="META") '@id'
2 AbstractRetrieval REF scopus_object = AbstractRetrieval('S092427162100068X', view="REF") 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
3 AuthorRetrieval LIGHT scopus_object = AuthorRetrieval('7004212771', view="LIGHT") 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
4 AuthorRetrieval METRICS scopus_object = AuthorRetrieval('7004212771', view="METRICS") 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable