
Verbose output from publish

tokejepsen opened this issue · 3 comments


To get more verbose output from pyblish.util.publish()


Currently using pyblish.util.publish() does not produce any print statements, and so it's left to the developer to parse the results from["results"].

Suggested implementation

Would be good to by default output log messages, as this is more intuitive for a new developer and easier for existing developers.
So a suggested interface to the publish method would be to add a keyword argument, so if the verbose output is not desired, it can be turned off; pyblish.util.publish(silent=True).

Simple enough, the publish() function always runs till the end so looping through the results at the point should give you the effect you are looking for.


for result in["results"]:
  for record in result["records"]:

The members of each record are these:

Is this a duplicate issue of #299 ?

Is this a duplicate issue of #299 ?

Yes, I do think so.