Unable to access user account screen
SilverSeraphim opened this issue · 4 comments
As an aside, it's very inconvenient that there's no way to turn off email notifications. I use the desktop app and a custom Discord bot, so emails are just legions of spam for me. I had thought deleting my email from the system would be the solution, but now I can't create or join games. And I can't put my email back in because of this bug. Seems like putting a fake email address is what I have to do, once I can get in.
Another note, I get the same error in Chrome (including incognito), and IE.
I'm not going to have time to take a look at this today, but deleting your email address should work, so I'm not sure what happened here. I'll try to get to it tomorrow, is SilverSeraphim your steam username?
It didn't have anything to do with the email address, it was a bug rendering some user info when the user had resigned from all their games. I'm not going to remove the "No Notification Email Set" check for creating a game, as that's a bar to entry to try and keep down the number of people that would create a game and never come back to start it.
You can definitely add your email address, create the game, and remove your email address if you want, though.
Fixed in 5499cf0
Much appreciated. I'm able to access my account screen once again! Thanks for building a great site/app!