Game auto matching - setup a next game auto match
Valamas opened this issue · 0 comments
The auto match is a silent match you setup. It would have very few parameters.
choose your civilization / random
choose your speed / random
choose map type / random
choose map size / random / min size / max size (wary of dual matching)
Enable your automatch which is turned off when a game starts. 10 minute cooldown before the match is made to allow parameter changes as above (maybe include a visual watch countdown). You can turn it on again after a game has started to get another going.
For new users this could be very useful as you can auto match once they have joined the website, to be in a game with other new users, just set their first watch as random to catch-all. No one want to play against a pro to begin with.
Once you game auto match, there is no - oh, i don't like the civ or players or anything, you are now in the game.