
PyPi requirements failed on MacOS

juanwulu opened this issue · 2 comments

😵 Describe the installation problem

Hello there,

I was trying to create a requirements.txt file for environment configurations on my 2023 Mac Mini, but I got the following error when I ran pip install -e .:

Looking in links:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pyg_lib (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for pyg_lib

However, the same scripts work well with an Intel chip on my 2015 Macbook Pro. I attached part of the requirements file related to this issue below for your reference:

# =========== pytorch-geometric ===========
# For Linux
torch_geometric==2.3.0;    platform_system == "Linux"
pyg_lib==0.2.0;            platform_system == "Linux"
torch_cluster==1.6.0;      platform_system == "Linux"
torch_scatter==2.1.0;      platform_system == "Linux"
torch_sparse==0.6.16;      platform_system == "Linux"
torch_spline_conv==1.2.1;  platform_system == "Linux"

# For Mac
torch_geometric==2.3.0;    platform_system == "Darwin"
pyg_lib==0.2.0;            platform_system == "Darwin"
torch_cluster==1.6.0;      platform_system == "Darwin"
torch_scatter==2.1.0;      platform_system == "Darwin"
torch_sparse==0.6.16;      platform_system == "Darwin"
torch_spline_conv==1.2.1;  platform_system == "Darwin"


  • pyg-lib version: 0.2.0
  • PyTorch version: 1.12.0
  • OS: Mac OS Ventura 13.2.1
  • Python version: Python 3.9
  • CUDA/cuDNN version: cpu
  • How you installed PyTorch and pyg-lib (conda, pip, source): pip
  • Any other relevant information: see above.

We currently do not provide M1/M2 wheels for macOS, so the only workaround is to currently compile them from source, sorry about this. Please note that these dependencies are also optional to run PyG 2.3, so safe yourself some time and only install the ones you desperately need.

We currently do not provide M1/M2 wheels for macOS, so the only workaround is to currently compile them from source, sorry about this. Please note that these dependencies are also optional to run PyG 2.3, so safe yourself some time and only install the ones you desperately need.

Thank you for the prompt reply. I'll look into how to build them from source.