
[RFC] `cugraph`-based neighborhood sampling

rusty1s opened this issue ยท 0 comments

๐Ÿš€ The feature, motivation and pitch

GPU-based neighborhood sampling can accelerate mini-batch creation for graphs that fit into GPU memory.

Currently, the (solely) CPU-based sampling interface inside PyG looks as follows:

template <bool replace, bool directed>
tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>
sample(const torch::Tensor &colptr, const torch::Tensor &row,
       const torch::Tensor &input_node, const vector<int64_t> num_neighbors)

The PyG routine expects:

  • (colptr, row): CSC/CSR representation of the graph
  • input_node: The seed nodes for which to sample neighbors
  • num_neighbors: A list of neighbors to sample in each layer
  • replace: Sample without or with replacement
  • directed: Whether sampled edges are directed or not. If not, we extract the full subgraph of sampled nodes.

It returns (re-labeled) row and col vectors of the sampled subgraph/adjacency matrix, as well as output_node_id and output_edge_id of the sampled nodes/edges to perform feature fetching in a later stage.

On the other side, the sampling interface inside cugraph looks as follows:

template <typename graph_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_t::edge_type>,
           rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_t::vertex_type>>
sample_neighbors_adjacency_list(raft::handle_t const& handle,
                                raft::random::RngState& rng_state,
                                graph_t const& graph,
                                typename graph_t::vertex_type const* ptr_d_start,
                                size_t num_start_vertices,
                                size_t sampling_size,
                                ops::gnn::graph::SamplingAlgoT sampling_algo)

The major difference seems to be that cugraph performs sampling for 1-hop, while PyG supports multi-hop sampling (which can be fixed easily by just calling the cugraph routine multiple times) [to be confirmed by @pyg-team/nvidia-team].


For integrating GPU-based sampling inside PyG, we thus need to:

  • Integrate torch-sparse neighorhood sampling interface in pyg-lib
  • cugraph as a dependency inside pyg-lib
  • Call the cugraph-based sampling routine inside the GPU-based dispatcher
  • Integrate changes on PyG side