
Request to Join Project Communications: amandasavluchinske

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Proposed Team Member Details

Name GitHub Handle PyLadies Chapter Team Role
Amanda Savluchinske amandasavluchinske Recife - Brazil Member

Why do you want to join the PyLadies Project Communications team?

Although I work as a Software Developer, I'm very passionate about communication-related attributions and seek them out constantly in my workplace. I enjoy writing blog posts (internal and external), generating internal discussions, and actively consolidating processes through my writing. I'm also interested in language learning and consuming technical content. I'd love to join the Project Communications team in order to use these interests of mine to benefit the community.

/cc @pyladies/communications

Issues or projects that I'm interested in helping out with

I'd love to take part in the newsletter, blog, translation or Slack areas (in that order of preference) :)

Time zone

GMT -03

Languages I speak

Language Level
Portuguese Native
English Fluent (C2)
French Intermediate (B2.1)
German Beginner (A1.2)

Are you comfortable communicating in English?

Monthly meetings: Are you available to attend conference calls once a month?

  • NOTE:team members must be available for a monthly video call

Yes, but that would depend on the timezone and day of the week as I work full time and attend university (although everything is remote at the moment). My weekends are completely free though.

Involvement : How frequently can you contribute to the team?

  • NOTE: Team members are required to be active during a 3 month period (involvement is defined below):
    1. giving feedback/comments on one or more issues the group is working through
    1. opening issues on a relevant topic for the group
    1. submitting a PR or review
    1. having a substantial slack discussion on a topic
    1. attending one or more meetings in a three month period
    1. making progress on an assigned issue

I can contribute to the team on a monthly basis.