
TryStar.ExceptHandler incorrectly infers types of caught exceptions

AI0867 opened this issue · 0 comments

Steps to reproduce

I'm reproducing this using pylint, as that's how I encountered the issue, and I found that the issue originates in astroid.

  1. Create the following test script: (
    raise ExceptionGroup("group", [TypeError("error")])
except* TypeError as eg:
    for exc in eg.exceptions:
        print(f"Caught TypeError {exc}")
print("Handled all exceptions")
  1. Run the script python
Caught TypeError error
Handled all exceptions
  1. Run pylint -E
************* Module test E1101: Instance of 'TypeError' has no 'exceptions' member (no-member)

The cause of this is that:

Current behavior

ExceptHandler infers the type of eg to be TypeError.

Expected behavior

ExceptHandler infers the type of eg to be (something along the lines of): ExceptionGroup[UnionException[TypeError]] where UnionException[T] = Union[ExceptionGroup[UnionException[T]], T]

In English: The named variable in the except* handler is of type ExceptionGroup, and this group contains one or more members that match the except* clause, possibly nested in further ExceptionGroups.

python -c "from astroid import __pkginfo__; print(__pkginfo__.version)" output
