
Renumber, rename, etc the files in the videos-list folder

reshamas opened this issue · 3 comments

Item 1 to fix: renumber some file names

For the files that are currently numbered < 10, would you be able to renumber, so there is a leading 0 (zero)?

Why we are doing this: the list of files in that folder will then automatically sort in numerical order


Item 2 to fix: remove the following in any file names: parentheses, commas

Item 3 to fix: file names make consistent with capital/lower case letters

It looks like for the first few I started I used lower case. You used upper case. Let's use lower case.


Item 4 to fix: file names make consistent first / last name.

It looks like for the first few I started I used speaker last name. You used their first name. We can keep first name. Can you change the few that I had done and make them first name?


I have worked on this: #12

Thanks @BerylKanali. Merged in.