Modbus connect successful but fail for read_input_registers and read_holding_registers
Closed this issue · 7 comments
I am using the Calypso wind direction sensor from the product link provided below:,71,65.
The device connected successfully, but reading the registers failed. The device contains 14 registers. What parameters should be passed for read_input_registers and read_holding_registers?
`#my full code.
import asyncio
from pymodbus.client.asynchronous.serial import AsyncModbusSerialClient
from pymodbus.framer.rtu_framer import ModbusRtuFramer
async def modbus_client_test():
# Initialize Modbus client
modbus_client = AsyncModbusSerialClient(
# Use the client
async with modbus_client as client:
if client.connected:
print("Connection successful!")
result = await client.read_holding_registers(address=1, count=1, slave=2)
if not result.isError():
print("Registers read successfully:", result.registers)
print("Error reading registers:", result)
print("Failed to connect!")
if name == "main":`
As you can see in the log, your device does not respond.
That can be due to quite a number of communication parameters or slave= being wrong
That connect() succeeds only means pymodbus can open the port and set the communication parameters.
Potentially it can also be your rs485 converter or the wiring.
@janiversen Thanks for your reply.
How can I verify the device's communication parameters or ensure the slave configuration is correct?
Which third-party tools are easy to use for Modbus?
Calypso wind direction sensor Register number starting from 200.
Read the manual, apart from that try and error.
What do you mean by third party tools ? search in google.
I'm not familiar with Modbus. I mean third party software for test sensor with Modbus software.
Not sure what you need, pymodbus offer REPL, please see the documentation.
This is the pymodbus project we generally do not speak about other projects or software.
There are no indication this is a pymodbus problem, so closing.