
stop getting config values so ofter -- look once -- static

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stop getting config values so ofter -- look once -- static

# #TODO: stop getting config values so ofter -- look once -- static

# import machine
# from machine import RTC, Timer
# #from averages import get_sensor_averages
# from helper import seconds_to_first_event
# from Configuration import Configuration
# import GpsSIM28
# import _thread
# import time

# class EventScheduler:
#     def __init__(self, config, logger, data_type, lora): #TODO: reorder these parameters to be consistent!
#         """
#         Schedules events for calculating averages or getting GPS position and also schedules random LoRa messages for
#         each interval
#         :param logger: status logger
#         :type logger: LoggerFactory object
#         :param data_type: "sensors" or "gps"
#         :type data_type: str
#         :param lora: LoRaWan object, False if lora is not enabled
#         :type lora: LoRaWAN object
#         """

#         #  Arguments
#         self.logger = logger
#         self.data_type = data_type
#         self.lora = lora
#         self.config = config

#         #  Attributes
#         if self.data_type == "sensors":
#             self.interval_s = int(float(self.config.get_config("interval"))*60)
#             if self.interval_s < 15 * 60:
#                 self.logger.warning("Interval is less than 15 mins - real time transmission is not guaranteed")
#         elif self.data_type == "gps":
#             self.interval_s = int(float(self.config.get_config("GPS_period"))*3600)
#         self.s_to_next_lora = None
#         self.first_alarm = None
#         self.periodic_alarm = None
#         self.random_alarm = None

#         #  Start scheduling events
#         self.start_events()

#     #  Calculates time (s) until the first event, and sets up an alarm
#     def start_events(self):
#         first_event_s = seconds_to_first_event(self.interval_s)
#         self.first_alarm = Timer.Alarm(self.first_event, s=first_event_s, periodic=False)

#     def first_event(self, arg):
#         #  set up periodic alarm with specified interval to calculate averages
#         self.periodic_alarm = Timer.Alarm(self.periodic_event, s=self.interval_s, periodic=True)
#         self.periodic_event(arg)

#     def periodic_event(self, arg):
#         if self.data_type == "gps":
#             #  get position from gps to be sent over LoRA
#             _thread.start_new_thread(GpsSIM28.logGPS, (self.config, self.logger, self.lora)) 

#         elif self.data_type == "sensors":
#             #  flash averages of PM data to sd card to be sent over LoRa
#             #TODO: do you own agerages here
#             # #get_sensor_averages(logger=self.logger, lora=self.lora)

#             if self.lora is not False:  # Schedule LoRa messages if LoRa is enabled
#                 # if device was last transmitting a day or more ago, reset message_count for the day
#                 today = time.gmtime()
#                 date = str(today[0]) + str(today[1]) + str(today[2])
#                 if self.lora.transmission_date != date:
#                     self.lora.message_count = 0
#                     self.lora.transmission_date = date
#                     self.config.save_config({"message_count": self.lora.message_count, "transmission_date": date})

#                 # send 2, 3 or at most 4 messages per interval based on length of interval
#                 lora_slot = int(float(self.config.get_config("interval"))*60) // 30  # lora_rate changes for each 30 seconds
#                 max_lora_slot = self.lora.message_limit // 96  # max number of msg per interval optimized around 15 min
#                 if max_lora_slot < 2:
#                     max_lora_slot = 2
#                 if lora_slot < 2:
#                     raise Exception("Interval has to be at least a minute")
#                 else:
#                     lora_rate = lora_slot
#                     if lora_slot > max_lora_slot:
#                         lora_rate = max_lora_slot

#                 waiting = self.lora.lora_buffer.size(lora_rate)  # check number of messages in stack (up to max to send)
#                 remaining = self.lora.message_limit - self.lora.message_count  # check how many more we can send today
#                 if remaining <= 0:
#           "LoRa message limit reached for the day")
#                 if remaining - waiting >= 0:
#                     count = waiting  # if we have more than we want to send, send them all
#                 else:
#                     count = remaining  # if we have less than we want to send, send up to the limit
#                 for val in range(count):  # Schedule up to 4 randomly timed messages within interval
#                     self.random_alarm = Timer.Alarm(self.random_event, s=get_random_time(self.logger), periodic=False)

#         else:
#             raise Exception("Non existent data type")

#     def random_event(self, arg):
#         # start LoRa thread
#         arg1, arg2 = 0, 0  # threading library not fully implemented - only works with a tuple of at least 2 args
#         _thread.start_new_thread(self.lora.lora_send, (arg1, arg2))

# def get_random_time(logger):
#     """
#     Get random number of seconds within interval
#     :return: s_to_next_lora
#     :rtype: int
#     """
#     #TODO: why is there no interval?? / not on object and no logger (added)
#     config = Configuration(logger)
#     # get random number of seconds within (interval - lora_timeout) and add one so it cannot be zero
#     s_to_next_lora = int((machine.rng() / (2 ** 24)) * (int(float(config.get_config("interval"))*60) -
#                                                         int(config.get_config("lora_timeout")))) + 1
#     #TODO: read and cast to float is dangerous!
#     return s_to_next_lora

#     #TODO: stop getting config values so ofter -- look once -- static
