
migrate pack strings here

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migrate pack strings here

#TODO: migrate pack strings here

                if (self.welfordsCount >= PM_SAMPLE_COUNT_FOR_AVERAGE): #Keep adding data

                    variance = self.welfordsM2/self.welfordsCount
                    sampleVariance = self.welfordsM2 / (self.welfordsCount -1)

                    #A = message type class/ see ring buffer -- for pickle
                    secInt =  secOfTheMonth() # TIME_ISO8601_FMT.format(*time.gmtime())
                    dataMsg = [self.port, secInt, self.welfordsCount  ,self.welfordsMean]# ,round(sampleVariance), round(variance)]
                    #formatStr = "<BHHHHH"
                    #payload = struct.pack(formatStr, *dataMsg)
                    #payloadStr = "<BHHHHH," + str(b2a_base64(payload))
                    #TODO: migrate pack strings here

                    #averageStr = ",".join()

                    self.msgBuffer.push(dataMsg)  #TODO: add to buffer to Transmit this data
                    #Reset welfords
                    self.welfordsCount = 0
                    self.welfordsMean = 0
