
What is the future of pywagger ?

manatlan opened this issue · 4 comments


pyswagger is really robust, I've tested a lot of things like that, but pyswagger seems to be the better option for me. And I'd like to use it to my own needs. But I'm afraid that it's not the better solution, because it seems that it's not "alive", any more.

For my needs, I needed to patch some things, to be usable in my cases (ex: expose own proprietary variables from ours swaggers (private ones, doesn't seems to be readable currently) )...
Should I make PR to this repo (will it be merged, and updated on pypi ?) ? or should I fork it, and maintains mine ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions ...

Hi, manatlan,

I didn't use this repo anymore for years, and sadly its community doesn't grow large enough to survive without me. I think you have multiple options to push things forward:

  • fork it and maintain by yourself.
  • join this org as maintainer of this repo. But as I said, the community part is relatively small, so there is no difference from forking.

My suggestion is to fork this repo by yourself.

Thanks a lot ...

Hi @mission-liao , @manatlan .

I strongly believe that this project has the potential to kick off due to many platforms (namely django-rest-framework and FastAPI) now using OpenAPI (fka Swagger) spec should it be maintained. I, myself have run into many issues trying to use this as is and would be willing to contribute back should my changes be merged and the project release new versions.

I see that @manatlan has a lot of changes in his fork, and I wouldn't mind using it as a "start" but I believe that no-one should have to dig through a project network of forks to find one that works properly and is maintained.

All that to say that if you are willing to accept new maintainers of this project, I could volunteer as potential maintainer😃