
install auditwheel': The system cannot find the file specified

DMTarmey opened this issue · 1 comments

PS C:\Users\Dell User\Auto-GPT.devcontainer> & "c:/Users/Dell User/Auto-GPT/.devcontainer/env/Scripts/Activate.ps1"
(env) PS C:\Users\Dell User\Auto-GPT.devcontainer> pip3 install auditwheel
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Users\Dell User\Auto-GPT\env\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\Users\Dell User\Auto-GPT.devcontainer\env\Scripts\pip3.exe" install auditwheel': The system cannot find the file specified.

Error log

2023-05-10 10:10:05,503 ERROR logs:_log:143 Error: The following AI output couldn't be converted to a JSON:
"thoughts": {
"text": "After reviewing the content, I have found that it is accurate and informative. I should now use the 'get_hyperlinks' command to gather relevant hyperlinks that can be used to support the information presented in the article.",
"reasoning": "Gathering relevant hyperlinks will help to support the information presented in the article and increase its credibility. Using the 'get_hyperlinks' command will help me to quickly and efficiently gather these hyperlinks.",
"plan": "- Use the 'get_hyperlinks' command to gather relevant hyperlinks\n- Review the hyperlinks to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy\n- Incorporate the hyperlinks into the article to support the information presented",
"criticism": "I should be careful to ensure that all hyperlinks are reliable and trustworthy, and that they support the information presented in the article. I should also strive to use language that is clear and concise, and avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be difficult for readers to understand.",
"speak": "To gather relevant hyperlinks that can be used to support the information presented in the article, I suggest using the 'get_hyperlinks' command."
"command": {
"name": "get_hyperlinks",
"args": {
"url": "",
2023-05-10 10:47:00,463 ERROR logs:_log:143 The JSON object is invalid.
2023-05-10 12:05:50,429 ERROR logs:_log:143 Error:

This is not an auditwheel issue. There seems to be something wrong with the pip invocation, but this wouldn't work on Windows anyway as auditwheel is Linux-only.