
prefix always ends with /local/ on ubuntu

nlgranger opened this issue · 3 comments

Inside an ubuntu:22.04 container, I have installed build, installer and virtualenv in the latest version using pip.
The prefix value is concatenated with /local/

Steps to reproduce:

docker run --rm -it ubuntu:22.04
apt update
apt install python3-pip git
pip install -U build installer virtualenv
git clone
cd installer/
python3 -m build --wheel
python3 -m installer dist/*.whl --destdir=sysroot --prefix=/someprefix
find sysroot/

On debian it works normally.

Nothing that we can do here. This is an issue with the Python that ships with Ubuntu and the way they've modified it that breaks things.

I thought installer wasn't affected because it runs inside a virtualenv. Thanks for the pointer.