
Ongoing CI issues on `main`

pradyunsg opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Filing an issue to track the issues we're seeing with CI on main.

The tests are failing due to git/git@7b70e9e, which was released in (latest) git 2.45.1.

actions/runner-images@e11ab1f#diff-5c04a529d3c8adf7a5f23afe544071dad1853e281c9c7b44cd8d626b6c57444dR51 is the commit/change bumping the docs about the Git version in GitHub Actions' CI.

We should be able to set GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 to fix our CI, but it's unclear whether we should expect our users to do so for being able to use pip.

/cc @sbidoul since this is a VCS-specific issue and he's one of the our resident experts.

I'm not completely clear what the precise behaviour change in git is, and what their intended resolution for users is. From what I can understand, it sounds like the issue is that if you have a partial clone, then a git fetch on that partial clone will no longer work. But that seems like a pretty major breakage, so I sort of assume I've misunderstood somehow.

As this seems to be realed to a CVE, I'm not convinced we should be setting the "ignore the risks" flag in our CI, much less expect our users to do so.

But I'm definitely not a specialist here, so while I'm interested in what the issue is about, I'll defer to @sbidoul over how we fix it.

he's one of the our resident experts

Expert = the one still around who has fiddled the most with pip's VCS code base ๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks for the investigation @pradyunsg.

I can reproduce the test failures locally with git 2.45.1.

I just tried pip install git+ and this works fine. And many of our git tests do succeed. Which is good news, and probably why no user has complained yet.

At first sight, and if I interpret the hints from git/git@7b70e9e and the CVE, it might be the problem is with local git repos that are themselves partial clone.

This can be reproduced with

$ git clone --filter=blob:none
$ pip install git+file://$PWD/pip-test-package
remote: fatal: could not fetch 4487a60e3ea0fa99473a0b056b40a59241cc290d from promisor remote.

An editable install such as pip install -e git+ does work.

So the issue may not impact many pip users in practice. Time will tell.

Setting GIT_NO_LAZY_FETCH=0 in our CI seems like a valid short term solution to me, while we investigate if a better approach exists (maybe declaring the local git repos in our tests as safe or something).

From what I can understand, it sounds like the issue is that if you have a partial clone, then a git fetch on that partial clone will no longer work.

Not quite, if I'm understanding the CVE correctly. It's rather that, when you clone with --filter, git used to enable lazy fetching so that a git checkout would realise "oh, I don't have that" and reach out to the server to fetch automatically. And, now, it doesn't (by default).

Expert = the one still around who has fiddled the most with pip's VCS code base ๐Ÿ˜…


it might be the problem is with local git repos that are themselves partial clone.

I think the local repository is used as an example and, based on 2d35b80, it seems to me that git has effectively disabled-by-default the reason that we'd adopted --filter in the first place.

That seems like a thing to consider for us, and to evaluate if this feature should continue to be a thing.

it seems to me that git has effectively disabled-by-default the reason that we'd adopted --filter in the first place.

I'm not sure about that yet. According to my preliminary tests (see #12719 (comment)), a local partial clone is necessary to reproduce the issue. Installing from a remote repo with --filter=blob:none continues to work fine.