
binary not added globally when using pipx inject

jeremyp3 opened this issue · 2 comments


I think I have the same problem as #58

for simplification reasons I need to make a venv that contains ansible and a few tools like pre-commmit and cookiecutter.

$ pipx install ansible-base
installed package ansible-base 2.10.17, installed using Python 3.12.4
These apps are now globally available
- ansible
- ansible-config
- [...]
- ansible-vault
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

now I want to add pre-commit
$ pipx inject ansible-base pre-commit
injected package pre-commit into venv ansible-base
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

in .local/bin I don't have any links for pre-commit ::( and it's not available on my system either

$ pipx --version

I haven't found anything in the documentation available here that applies to my case:

is there anything I haven't understood? :)

thanks !

I suppose what you want is pipx inject's --include-apps option (e.g. pipx inject --include-apps ansible-base pre-commit)?

thank very much, it works the way I want it to! :)