Unclear description of "readme" field in pyproject.toml
thomasbbrunner opened this issue · 2 comments
thomasbbrunner commented
The readme field of the pyproject.toml contains the following description:
# This is an optional longer description of your project that represents
# the body of text which users will see when they visit PyPI.
# Often, this is the same as your README, so you can just read it in from
# that file directly **(as we have already done above)**
# (...)
readme = "README.md" # Optional
What exactly does the highlighted part mean ("as we have already done above")? Above where?
Also, if the readme value is set to README.md, does it mean that the file is loaded? If so, could we make it explicit here?
thomasbbrunner commented
After a more thorough reading of the pyproject.toml file, apparently the order of the fields in the file was changed but the text was not updated.
I've created a minor PR with updates.
chrysle commented
Can this be closed, then?