
Claim package squire

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I believe the package squire has been abandoned by the maintainer according to the PEP 541 guidelines:

  1. The owner has not been reachable by email nor in response to an issue I raised on his project home page
  2. There have been no releases since December 2015.
  3. There has been no activity from the owner on the project's home page since December 2015.

I hereby request that the abandoned squire project be transferred to me as a new owner for the purposes of reusing the name under PEP541 guidelines for Removal of an Abandoned Project:

  1. I have attempted to contact the existing owner by e-mail and by submitting an issue to the project's homepage.
  2. I have developed the program SQuIRE: Software for Quantifying Interspersed Repeat Expression for analyzing interspersed repeat element expression from RNA sequencing data. My work can help scientists study how these "jumping genes"are expressed and better understand their involvement in stem cells, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. I believe this meets notability requirements for the purpose of reusing this name.
  3. I have already submitted a scientific manuscript using the project name "SQuIRE", and the name is important for understanding my program's function. Having my program available under the correct name on PyPI will increase user accessibility and thereby help the scientific community. A fork under a different name would thus not be an acceptable workaround. (In contrast, the project description for the current PyPI squire package is: "Watch a directory and run a command on changes.")
  4. I cannot find download statistics on the Package Index for the existing package, which indicates the project is not being used.

Thanks for your time and attention!

Hi! This tracker is retired. Could you please refile your issue in the warehouse tracker? We can tag it with the PEP 541 tag there so it can be processed once the tools for that are in place.

The author of the package just responded ("no"), so even though he is probably still not maintaining the package, I believe it cannot be considered "abandoned" under PEP541, correct? So would you recommend that I don't refile in the warehouse tracker?

di commented

@wyang17 Indeed, since there is a release of this project which seems to do what it claims, I wouldn't consider it abandoned, just old. Sorry about that!