
API to get dependencies without full download

Closed this issue Β· 36 comments

Here the issue to the discussion on python-distutils:

To get a dependency resolver for python, there needs to be a way to get the dependencies of a package. To avoid useless network traffic the dependencies of a packages ("install_requires" in need to be accessible via an API.

This is going to be possible once PEP426 is in place.

Off topic: How does PEP426 get developed? It is soon three years old. What can I do to get it implemented?

  1. Finish the draft, here are some issues: (note that issues are in bitbucket but the code is now in github)

  2. Implement PEP 426 for pip

It looks like is the current PEP 426 draft, right?
@domenkozar, I don't see anything that looks like a current issue at that bitbucket link. Have they been addressed?
Any other current issues?
Thanks :)

Is there anything currently available and up-to-date that's better than downloading all the metadata as json via the pypi-data app, and doing

jq '{name:, requires: .info.requires_dist}'  */* > requires.json 

I note some issues with pypi-data at nathforge/pypi-data#2

Is there any update on this? Wondering if it is now possible to get the list of a package's dependencies without a full download of the package.

It is not in the general case, because of limitations in the packaging formats.

rth commented

From quickly analyzing the package metadata using the JSON API, it looks like out of ~120k packages in the PyPi index, only ~17k have a non null info->requires_dist field. While some packages don't indeed have any dependencies, I imagine most do. Which means that currently this field cannot be relied upon for dependency resolution.

I saw that PEP 426 has a deferred status and was wondering if there were some open issues that aimed to improve somewhat the situation with the requires_dist in the current system, without necessarily doing an in-depth redesign of the metatadata API discussed in PEP 426? Thanks.

Thanks for bringing up and discussing this issue, and sorry for the slow response! (Context, for those who don't already know it: Warehouse needs to get to the point where we can redirect to so the site is more sustainable and reliable. Towards that end, the folks working on Warehouse have gotten limited funding to concentrate on improving and deploying it, and have kicked off work towards our development roadmap. Along the way we've been able to reply to some of the older issues in the repo as well.)

Since this feature isn't something that the legacy site has, and we're prioritizing replacing the old site, I've moved it to a future milestone.

@ncoghlan am I right that @rth should be looking at pypa/packaging-problems#102 and pypa/packaging-problems#54?

Thanks and sorry again for the wait.

rth commented

Thanks for the detailed response @brainwane and for linking to those issues!

I know that there are higher priority issues with the migration to Warehouse (and thank you for working on that!), I just commented for future reference while experimenting with the PyPi JSON API...

Glad to help, @rth.

For reference: PEP 426 has been withdrawn.

As you're experimenting with the JSON API, check out the other API/feeds issues in case any of them have questions you can answer! And if you have questions, please feel free to ask them here, on #pypa-dev on Freenode, or on the pypa-dev mailing list.

Note that while PEP 426 (metadata 2.0) has been withdrawn, PEP 566 (metadata 2.1) has been accepted, and that includes a canonical conversion from the baseline key:value representation to a JSON compatible representation:

This means that at least for projects that upload wheel files, it will be feasible for Warehouse to extract and publish the corresponding dependency metadata in a standards-backed way (since the conversion rules can also be applied to metadata 1.2).

rth commented

PEP 566 (metadata 2.1) has been accepted,
This means that at least for projects that upload wheel files, it will be feasible for Warehouse to extract and publish the corresponding dependency metadata in a standards-backed way

That's really good news. Thank you for the explanations!

What determines the value of "requires_dist" given in the json api response? When I look at one of my uploads it's there, e.g. which correctly says requires_dist=[pyyaml]. But then on boto3 it's got requires_dist=[] and that's not right, it should have botocore, jmespath, s3transfer..
Both of these projects are specifying the metadata the same way, by passing install_requires in the kwargs. I heard somewhere that it's related to whether you upload a wheel or an sdist first, but this explanation doesn't make much sense to me..?

Metadata extraction currently only happens for the first uploaded artifact, and unlike wheel archives, sdists aren't required to contain metadata in a format that an index server knows how to read.

Allowing subsequent wheel uploads to supplement the metadata extracted from an sdist would be a nice Warehouse enhancement (but is separate from this issue).

After checking with @dstufft in relation to pypa/, it seems recent versions of twine and setuptools should be uploading full project metadata regardless of the nature of the first uploaded artifact (sdist or wheel).

So the most likely cause of incomplete metadata now is the use of older upload clients (and older releases will be missing this data as well, since it needs to be generated client side and then delivered to PyPI as part of the release publication process).

@ncoghlan It would be a different story if the "requires_dist" key was not returned at all, which would be PyPI saying "I don't have this information". But my issue is that it's actually returning incorrect data, i.e. the "requires_dist" key is there, and it has a value (empty array):

$ curl -s "" | jq ".info.requires_dist"

Users don't seem to have a way to tell the difference between a package which genuinely has no 3rd-party requirements, and one with incorrectly parsed requirements, apart from downloading the distribution.

I think perhaps you should backfill these on all existing distributions, or at least all existing distributions which have a bdist present in index, so it no longer returns incorrect data. That should be easy enough to script and run as a once-off. Thoughts?

@wimglenn I think that's 3 separate questions:

  1. Distinguishing between "metadata never extracted" (requires_dist not set) and "no dependencies" (empty list). This gets back to the problem where this information is provided by clients as part of the component upload [1], so from PyPI's point of view, those two cases currently look the same. (This kind of limitation in the current upload API is a big part of why Warehouse's emulation of the upload API has legacy in the name: it needs to be replaced with something more robust, but doing so becomes yet another compatibility migration to manage for index server implementations and upload clients).
  2. Retrofitting metadata for existing releases that have uploaded wheel or egg files. This seems plausible, since metadata can be extracted from those without running arbitrary Python code (and explicit rules could be defined for handling the cases where different binary artifacts include different metadata files). The constraint is then a combination of developer time, compute resources, and privileged backend database access, so it seems unlikely that will happen without specific funding from a user organisation or redistributor that wants to see it happen (or a successful grant application from the PSF Packaging Working Group).
  3. Retrofitting metadata for existing source-only releases. This is a similar problem to 2, but with the extra difficulty that doing it reliably requires running arbitrary Python code (and the output of that code may be platform dependent).

[1] For example, see for upload, for extraction

  1. Yea, we don't have a way to differentiate these cases currently. The other case we can't differentiate is "has the metadata, but the artifact was created with an older tool that didn't understand it". That mostly only applies to sdists though.
  2. Not only platform dependent, but also dependency on enviornment variables, CLI flags, the state of the current system, and the state of external systems sometimes! Since is just Python, peolpe can and do, do a lot of stuff in there.

For us, the main reason to check dependencies is to get this for recently published packages. So would hope these are easy to check. Being able to check for even some large percentage of packages on PyPI would be useful even if sometimes we get an error returned instead of the dependency list.

thinking in sets.

I'm trying to obtain dependencies for packages I control, and I would like for requires_dist to come from pypi. I do not want to publish wheels, though, for convoluted reasons. From the discussion here, it seems to me that it should still work.

I am using setuptools 39.0.1, with dependencies in in install_requires, setup_requires, and extras_require. Packages are published to PyPI using twine. Published sdists, however, do not have requires_dist set in the json response.

Inspecting the files that are being published, I see :

  • setuptools does not put any Requires-Dist lines in PKG-INFO
  • There is a requires.txt file in the included .egg-info, which does include all the requirements listed per extra
  • There might be something of an issue caused by my project structure, which has the package within 'src'. The .egg-info folder, therefore, is at ./src/<package>.egg-info relative to I can switch back to a non-src layout it it helps.

I understand that dependencies are dynamic and can be complicated. However, the sdist that I am building does have a well defined dependency list in its .egg-info. Could that not be used by pypi / warehouse, with the understanding that this metadata provided by PyPI / warehouse is an approximation only, and the dependencies might be environment dependent in general.

If there is any other way in which I can get requires_dist to show up on the json api at, I'd like to know so that I can get this information in there. I suspect manually modifying PKG-INFO as part of the build process and injecting the contents of .egg-info/requires.txt might just do the trick, but I would like to get setuptools to do it instead, if possible. Is there some existing means by which I can make it so?

Edits :

Looking at other packages I have, I can confirm that :

  • Packages with published wheels do report requires_dist fine
  • Packages without the 'src/' layout but without a published wheel do not

So it would seem the .egg-info/requires.txt which is included in the sdist does not seem to be used at all.

PyPI's JSON API does not come from a PEP, so we're either stuck trying to add this to the existing simple API, standardizing PyPI's JSON API, or defining an entirely new replacement to the simple API. Personally I'd lean towards the last option there, but if we're going to do that, then we probably want to spend some time figuring out exactly what problems with the simple API we're trying to solve are.

@pradyunsg @uranusjr @pfmoore As we work to roll out and test the new resolver pypa/pip#6536, or think about future versions, how much would you benefit from even a prototype or minimal version of this feature?

It would help, but it would need to be an extension to the standard for the simple API to be of significant benefit. We definitely don't want to end up special-casing PyPI/Warehouse in pip's code, and while we could add a test for whether an index supports a new API, I'd want that to be standardised (at least provisionally) or we're going to hit all sorts of backward compatibility and maintenance issues down the line.

Also, this would only be of minimal benefit unless it exposed metadata for sdists, which is a hard problem. If it only handled wheels, the only benefit would be reduced download volumes for wheels that ended up not being used. And pip's caches probably make that cost relatively small.

Personally, unless it was a standardised feature that provided sdist metadata1 I feel that the benefits would be marginal enough that I'd expect us to defer any work to use it until after the release of the new resolver, as "post-release performance tuning" work.

1 Or better still, metadata based on project and version alone, but that's not realistically achievable in the timescales we're looking at.

#8254 is a proposal, that would address this as well.

Assuming PEP 643 gets approved, we will have reliable metadata available for wheels and (increasing numbers of) sdists. Extracting that metadata and exposing it via PyPI becomes an even more attractive prospect at that point.

Pip could likely work with either the JSON API or an extension to the simple API, but either one would need standardising first.

PEP 643 got approved! What's not clear to me is how this issue interacts with #8254.

With PEP 643 and PEP 658 (assuming the latter is accepted as-is), the procedure would be

  1. Download and parse{project_name}/
  2. Find the <a> you want on the page (a wheel or sdist)
  3. Append .METADATA to the <a> tag’s href to format the URL for the metadata (this is PEP 658)
  4. Download the metadata file; each line that starts with Requires-Dist: would be a dependency (this is PEP 643)

each line that starts with Requires-Dist: would be a dependency (this is PEP 643)

Minor clarification: If it's a sdist, and either Metadata-Version is less than 2.2, or Requires-Dist is present in a line starting with Dynamic:, then you cannot rely on this approach to get dependencies, and you must still build a wheel from the sdist.

I'm going to close this, PEP 658 is deployed on PyPI now (though there is a bug with it, but that will be fixed soon) and that's our current path for fetching any artifact's metadata without downloading the entire artifact.

@dstufft This is a nice enhancement for wheels uploaded, but it's falling a bit short for an API - is it really that programs/tools should parse the simple html and read those href attrs? Index still seems to show requires_dist as null in the json API ( uploaded just now for example)

Even for simple, only the wheel got the attr - sdists don't seem to though the wording in PEP (second para of the rationale) suggests that standards-compliant sdists are still in scope. Or is it that the sdist was not standards compliant somehow? It was setuptools build, which put a PKG-INFO file in the sdist and the deps into an .egg-info/requires.txt file.


The simple API supports JSON since PEP 691, using something like:

import email.message
import requests

def parse_content_type(header: str) -> str:
    m = email.message.Message()
    m["content-type"] = header
    return m.get_content_type()

# Construct our list of acceptable content types, we want to prefer
# that we get a v1 response serialized using JSON, however we also
# can support a v1 response serialized using HTML. For compatibility
# we also request text/html, but we prefer it least of all since we
# don't know if it's actually a Simple API response, or just some
# random HTML page that we've gotten due to a misconfiguration.
    "text/html;q=0.01",  # For legacy compatibility

# Actually make our request to the API, requesting all of the content
# types that we find acceptable, and letting the server select one of
# them out of the list.
resp = requests.get("", headers={"Accept": ACCEPT})

# If the server does not support any of the content types you requested,
# AND it has chosen to return a HTTP 406 error instead of a default
# response then this will raise an exception for the 406 error.

# Determine what kind of response we've gotten to ensure that it is one
# that we can support, and if it is, dispatch to a function that will
# understand how to interpret that particular version+serialization. If
# we don't understand the content type we've gotten, then we'll raise
# an exception.
content_type = parse_content_type(resp.headers.get("content-type", ""))
match content_type:
    case "application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json":
    case "application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html" | "text/html":
    case _:
        raise Exception(f"Unknown content type: {content_type}")

If you don't want to support HTML repositories (if for instance, you only talk to PyPI or are OK not supporting repositories that haven't implemented PEP 691) you can simplify that down to:

import email.message
import requests

def parse_content_type(header: str) -> str:
    m = email.message.Message()
    m["content-type"] = header
    return m.get_content_type()

# Construct our list of acceptable content types, we only accept a
# a v1 response serialized using JSON.

# Actually make our request to the API, requesting all of the content
# types that we find acceptable, and letting the server select one of
# them out of the list.
resp = requests.get("", headers={"Accept": ACCEPT})

# If the server does not support any of the content types you requested,
# AND it has chosen to return a HTTP 406 error instead of a default
# response then this will raise an exception for the 406 error.

# Determine what kind of response we've gotten to ensure that it is one
# that we can support, and if it is, dispatch to a function that will
# understand how to interpret that particular version+serialization. If
# we don't understand the content type we've gotten, then we'll raise
# an exception.
content_type = parse_content_type(resp.headers.get("content-type", ""))
match content_type:
    case "application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json":
    case _:
        raise Exception(f"Unknown content type: {content_type}")

Support for sdists is blocked on PEP 643 support: #9660

Thanks, I've just tried accepting application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json and it works, but all I could find in result was the sha256 of the METADATA file. Does it mean that tools should make a second request to get the metadata file (if available), and parse that content as an email message? I was wondering about a way to get requires_dist directly in a JSON response without needing an additional request and parse, apologies if I've missed something obvious here.

Ack on the PEP 643 for sdists ("dynamic" field details etc)

Yes, that's the way that PEP 658 exposed that information.

There's a trade off here between making more requests, and making the singular request larger. Putting the metadata in /simple/<project>/ will make those responses much larger, forcing people to download metadata for all releases of a project that they don't care about. Splitting them up into multiple requests lets downloaders scope their requests to just the releases they need. This gets exacerbated by the fact that it's not just different metadata per version, but also each file can have it's own independent metadata.

Of course the flip side then is that if all you want is one piece of metadata out of the entire METADATA file, then you're forced to download the entire thing. That's the other trade off in that we force you to download a bit extra, to prevent having to make hundreds of requests just to get the complete metadata.

It is a little crummy to have to parse the content as an email message rather than JSON, but that's the format that our METADATA files take, and it was safer to return that unmodified rather than parsing it in PyPI and uploading it.

It's possible that a future PEP will turn METADATA into a json file, or lift specific fields to be on the base json response. But for now this is our intended API for fetching any metadata for a file without downloading the entire file.