- 2
cannot find pyuic5.bat
#29 opened - 5
This is a BUG or NOT?
#28 opened - 2
Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe
#25 opened - 1
Installing Bug? (designer and pyuic.bat)
#24 opened - 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Python version?
#20 opened - 9
64-bit vs 32-bit
#19 opened - 21
Cannot install from git via pip
#18 opened - 3
- 8
QML Not working
#16 opened - 5
pip install error
#15 opened - 9
pyrcc5 is missing
#12 opened - 2
import QApplication not working on x64
#11 opened - 0
Cannot load library ../QtQuick.2/qtquick2plugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
#10 opened - 3
Linux support
#9 opened - 3
pip3 support
#8 opened - 18
PyQt 5.4 support
#7 opened - 0
qt.conf not included
#6 opened - 3
#5 opened - 0
Bundle qt.conf
#4 opened - 5
- 35
Qt platform plugin "windows"
#2 opened - 1
#1 opened