
Better documentation and example

davidhcefx opened this issue · 0 comments


This package is really a simple and working client/server for RADIUS. However, I found that the documentation is a bit too simple, and have already encountered some issues when adopting pyrad.

  1. The first (and only) example in the doc is the Introduction section. The first issue I encountered was that there is no description of what Dictionary("dictionary") really is. (Is it a path to a file, or is it a special keyword?) Under pyrad.client there's also no description for the argument dict, unless delving into the code to figuring out that:

    • :param dict: RADIUS dictionary under Client.__init__, as well as
    • :param dict: path of dictionary file or file-like object to read under Dictionary.__init__.
    • [Suggestion]: Copy the inline doc for each constructors to the main doc.
  2. After that, I started with creating an auth packet, but quickly got confused by what are the valid arguments I could pass to CreateAuthPacket? The pyrad.client page also described nothing for **args. Another inconsistency is that attributes were been passed to function with underscores (eg. User_Name), but were been accessed with hyphens (eg. req["User-Password"]). It turns out that underscores are for args and hyphens are for direct access, which is another undocumented thing.

    • [Suggestion]: Add a sentence to the index page: "For setting attributes to Client object, you need to replace underscores with hyphens."
    • [Suggestion]: Add some description for the valid arguments that could be passed to CreateAuthPacket.
  3. After successfully sending auth requests to the server. I then try to craft a accounting request. However, I found that there's one more thing that's misleading! The example passed code=pyrad.packet.AccessRequest to CreateAuthPacket, but by delving into the code, I found that this is in fact absolutely unnecessary, because the AuthPacket constructor already set code=AccessRequest by default!

    • [Suggestion]: Remove the misleading argument code=pyrad.packet.AccessRequest from the example, or choose to document that it is not necessary to pass that argument.

Other Suggestions

  • Apart from the above suggestions, it would be better to:
    • Provide another example for doing an accounting request:
      from __future__ import print_function
      from pyrad.client import Client
      from pyrad.dictionary import Dictionary
      srv = Client(server="localhost", secret=b"Kah3choteereethiejeimaeziecumi",
      # create request
      req = srv.CreateAcctPacket(User_Name="wichert",
                                 NAS_Identifier="localhost", Acct_Status_Type=1)
      # send request
      reply = srv.SendPacket(req)