
Darkmode Change tab text color

Melleh98 opened this issue · 7 comments

R24 Darkmode tab text color

I just updated my toolbars to show white icons when using R24 dark mode. It works great.
I also color coördinate my tabs so its easier to look for things.
In darkmode tho the text is almost unreadable.

Ideal solutuion

The best solution for me would be to add a way to edit the text color of the tabs

Alternative solution

An alternatve could be:
Being able to set a different tab color for Darkmode just like we can use PNG's just for the dark mode Icon

Could you take a look at that?

@Melleh98, maybe you can choose colour wich same for two modes?

  title: '#31363F'

@jmcouffin, maybe add dark properties?

# set background dark for all parts
background-dark: '#ff0000' 

# or for individual dark parts
  panel: '#ff0000'
  title: '#00ff00'
  slideout: '#0000ff'

@jmcouffin, maybe add dark properties?

That would make sense @dosymep
Would you mind taking care of that?

following Dosymep suggestion you can set color to a middle ground color that works in both cases

# set background for all parts
background: '#ff0000'                   # or ARGB e.g. #ff0000ff

# or for individual parts
  panel: '#ff0000'
  title: '#00ff00'
  slideout: '#0000ff'

@dosymep or maybe just have a text-color-dark attribute to just change the text color?

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