
Revit 2025

jmcouffin opened this issue · 4 comments

  • added Revit 2025 to pyRevit-hosts.json file
  • attach itself
  • Error on startup, pyRevit not loading (expected)


can you estimate when pyRevit will work with 2025?

can you estimate when pyRevit will work with 2025?

No. It does not depend on me. Lots needs to be done. Very few are capable or have the time.

I am retired and use Revit, done a couple simple Dynamo's but not really good at this. I will help if there is grunt work or a direction I can get. I did update my hosts-json file as shown in a previous.

MBM18 commented

Many thanks for this info as i got the same error on startup using Revit 2025 and have spent the last hour trying to find a solution. Will revert back to Revit 2024 i think now.