
[Bug]: pyrevit releases CLI command and handle naming variations

jmcouffin opened this issue ยท 3 comments

๐Ÿž Describe the bug

In reference to #2214 - Thanks @acco-jpitts

  • Handle string formatting for the download URL
  • Fix --pre and --notes flags
  • Check why: " I had to change these two lines from False to True in Common.csproj and pyRevitCLI.csproj in order to build successfully."
<Reference Include="pyRevitLabs.Json" HintPath="$(PyRevitDevLibsDir)\pyRevitLabs.Json.dll" Private="True" />
<Reference Include="pyRevitLabs.NLog" HintPath="$(PyRevitDevLibsDir)\pyRevitLabs.NLog.dll" Private="True" />

pre and notes seem to work fine.
Do you mind checking again @acco-jpitts ?
In which cases the --pre and --notes does not work for you?

there is no pre-release in general on the repo, so it output the latest one or the one invoked

for the --pre, I meant to say its always working. pyrevit releases is the same output as pyrevit releases --pre

After installing to WIP installer and trying on a different computer I see it is working. As is latest for some commands, but not for downloads.

I was previously testing on a different machine calling the exe directly from the folder I built it in. So maybe there is something different about the Github built assembly vs local build? I did have to edit those 2 csproj files to get it to work.

So "latest" works for pyrevit releases latest --notes but not for pyrevit releases download installer latest

That probably means it simple fix for the downloads. I'll give it another stab tonight maybe.

I forgot to mention I had to strip out what I think was supposed to be a progress bar. I'll try and fix that too, but no idea how it supposed to work.

@acco-jpitts thanks for taking a stab.
Your help is welcomed.