
Examples show outdated data, would suggest adding start and end dates to all examples

MujahidElmaki opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected Behavior

The examples graphs and months can show the data

Current Behavior

Some of the examples are bugged out, showing very old or empty data which would require the user to scroll all the way back to when the examples were created to see the correct example.

Possible Solution

Add a start and end date to all the examples to avoid having the data lag back in the past.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Take a look at the test calendar examples in the file


This issue has effected me whilst trying to understand how the product works by looking at the examples. Pretty minor issue, maybe a good first issue for somsone who wants to contribute.

Thanks for this. It took me a minute or two to understand, but then I 🤦🏻. I completely agree, adding some start/end dates to the examples would be a good idea