
Can't reach the gallery

fertigkind opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey there,
My problem is the following:
The category sites do show the overview of galleries like they should and when I want to click on one of them I can't reach it but get linked back to the main page of my site instead.
Do you have any Idea where that comes from and how to fix it?


Hi there,
For support, you should be using the forums -

Without seeing your site configuration I can't really tell why you're seeing the issue you have. My guess is that you have multiple portfolio plugins active and they're colliding with Easy Photography Portfolio plugin. If that's the case - deactivate all other portfolio plugins.

Thanks, @justnorris but no, that is not the case. It might be an other Plugin though.... I will check that.

Let me know what you find out :)

It was not a problem with other plugins. I deactivated and re-activated the plugin and now it works completely fine. Who knows what that was. :D

In that case, it was probably the permalink cache. The same effect can also be done by resetting permalinks: