
completed field returns no results.

Merlincool opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using Pyroscope on v3.10.

When I run rtcontrol completed=+1d it returns no results (blank)


Other commands work properly.

Tried all possible combination from here - but all results in blank value.

My goal is to delete torrents after 48 hrs of seeding time.

PS: seedtime=+1d also returns blank results. Also looked everywhere on reddit and other forums but didn't seek any useful forum page.

Note: my rtorrent + rutorrent is installed on VPS.

The basic problem you're running into is that rtcontrol and ruTorrent use different techniques for storing the date data.

Are you sure you're using pyroscope? It doesn't work on python 3. If you're using my fork pyrosimple (which only supports python 3), I have an example of adding custom fields that use ruTorrent's data for seed/add times here:

The basic problem you're running into is that rtcontrol and ruTorrent use different techniques for storing the date data.

Are you sure you're using pyroscope?

Yes I am using pyroscope and not any of its fork.

Thanks for reply. But do you mean that I should not use python 3??

I checked and my python version is
Python 2.7.16

Any chances I could upgrade to python 3 and things will work smooth or any other alternative??

I am using Pyroscope on v3.10.

My apologies, I thought you meant python 3.10, but now I see you meant ruTorrent 3.10. pyroscope will only work with python 2 as mentioned. You're more than welcome to try my fork on python 3, or you can try your hand at adapting the code in the link I posted to pyrocore's custom field capabilities.

I am using Pyroscope on v3.10.

My apologies, I thought you meant python 3.10, but now I see you meant ruTorrent 3.10. pyroscope will only work with python 2 as mentioned. You're more than welcome to try my fork on python 3, or you can try your hand at adapting the code in the link I posted to pyrocore's custom field capabilities.

Thanks for reply again.

I am using Pyroscope on rutorrent 3.10 and I have python 2.7.16 which means issue is not python related.