Endless loop in 'ui_find_next()' when no download is selected and term couldn't be found
chros73 opened this issue · 4 comments
chros73 commented
Endless loop in ui_find_next() when no download is selected and term couldn't be found (you have to SIGKILL
The fix is here, and more minor changes on this ticket: chros73#144
Thanks for your work!
chros73 commented
I also updated those 3 color schemes (only Label has been changed in the old values), so just grab them :)
chros73 commented
And check out this one: auto toggle columns ('started' view is the main view in that setup)
chros73 commented
Now we can create arrays in the config :)
Here's an example usage.
Later we can add more array commands (multicall, search, etc.).
chros73 commented
Oh, and I created full (!) syntax highlighting for mcedit :)