Bad method Key Error
ANTiGEN0M opened this issue · 0 comments
ANTiGEN0M commented
Hi, I want to dump all downloaded files into one directory on completion,and add torrents from a watch folder how to do so?
I have this
schedule2 = watch_directory_1,10,10,"load.start=/home/user/rwatch/*.torrent,d.custom1.set=/home/user/processing/"
method.insert = d.data_path, simple, "if=(d.is_multi_file), (cat,(,/), (cat,(,/,("
method.insert = d.move_to_complete, simple, "$argument.1=; execute=mkdir,-p,$argument.1=; execute=mv,-u,$argument.0=,$argument.1=; d.save_full_session="
method.set_key =,move_complete,"d.move_to_complete=$d.data_path=,$d.custom1="
but it keeps giving me a bad method key error any suggestions?
Thank you