
proper shapely being pulled into `DEV` CI?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Not sure if it has anything to do with the current failure, but the DEV environment has shapely=2.0.1+53.g9540b77 listed, not a bleeding edged shapely=2.0.2+....

Also, we should be printing out the spatial versions available through geopandas as part of the CI run. I'll put in the PR now.

Seeing same type of failures in geopandas, along with the "wrong" shapely version.

That is because shapely 2.0.2 was tagged and released from a maintenance branch, not main. It is the latest shapely, their versioning is just off.

cc @jorisvandenbossche

So nothing to do with these failures, correct? If so, I'll close this issue.

So nothing to do with these failures, correct?

You mean the I don't know where that comes from.

Can't seem to replicate that error (at least on macOS), with the ci/312-DEV.yml environment.

I think it will be pandas block manager warning. To be resolved in geopandas.

Closing here then.