XY Chart: unable to have X axis set to time
paulalting opened this issue · 3 comments
In my SCADA system I use amCharts which, for me, appear far superior and allow far greater options for setting up and a better view for users, as an example from my system:
Is it possible to have PyScada implement the sort of functionality amCharts provides easily ?
For a SCADA system, historical charts that can be customised with a rich set of features is really important for the type of systems I do.
I think you have to create a chart and not a xy chart.
Or do you want to use a functionality of xy chart that doesn't appear in chart ?
Thanks clavay, my error, I did not even notice 'charts' at the top of the HMI list.
Might be good to group like functions together rather than in alpha order.
I still find the order of views,pages,widgets and so on difficult to remember. If they were in the hierarchical order that flows and aids page design, that would be a great help.
Then place separators between the various selections within the section to highlight it would again make things easier.
I have now created a standard chart and can view that, but still, it looks quite limited in terms of sizing and features I, and I imagine other would really need and like to have.
Thanks for your help :)