Tornado chart not showing
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I realy like the plug in, it works realy fast and provides a usefull outcome
However im struggeling to get a tornado chart reported.
it seems to struggle with the onedrive integration?
can you help out on this topic?
many thanks!
Im using the latest office 365 excel version, and the latest version from github.
I think its a local issue on my own IT environment, so sorry for the issue i raised.
I really appreciate the tool you have created!
Kind regards
Hans Eberwijn
I've been having this same issue, and I think I have solved it.
The problem is in Sub ProduceTornadoDiagram() and it only arises if the user has Excel localized to some other language than English. What makes this even more complicated is that, if ProduceTornadoDiagram is excuted in break mode step by step, the code works perfectly well (at least sometimes)...
These two lines seems to be the problem:
mOutSheet.Names.Add Name:="TornadoX", RefersTo:="=INDIRECT(" & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(6).Address() & ")"
mOutSheet.Names.Add Name:="TornadoY", RefersTo:="=OFFSET(INDIRECT(" & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(6).Address() & "),0," & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(2).Address & ")"
For some reason Excel doesn't localize these formulas to the formula notation of the local language before writing them down as named ranges, which will result in error in the next line of the code ( mOutSheet.Range("TornadoY").Select )
This can be seen from the screenshot I took (TornadoX and TornadoY in Risk results 1 are incorrect, Risk results 2 is after the correction):
This can be fixed, for example, by writing the formulas to cells and then reading them back with .FormulaLocal
So for example by changing the previous bit of code like this:
Cell.Offset(7).Formula = "=INDIRECT(" & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(6).Address() & ")"
Cell.Offset(8).Formula = "=OFFSET(INDIRECT(" & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(6).Address() & "),0," & Cell.Offset(5).Value & Cell.Offset(2).Address & ")"
mOutSheet.Names.Add Name:="TornadoX", RefersTo:=Cell.Offset(7).FormulaLocal
mOutSheet.Names.Add Name:="TornadoY", RefersTo:=Cell.Offset(8).FormulaLocal
Thanks! I was not aware of the localization of function names. I have also found this: