
Can't load library qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin.dll

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I'm trying to create a QQuickWidget in Qt C++ , generating python module using shiboken and using it in a python sample.
A testing sample in C++ works perfect without error.
But while I use the generated python module it showed the window with entirely white color on the QQuickWidget.
The log from python here.

qrc:/qml/TimerPlayback.qml:2:1: Cannot load library D:\Codes\qt_common_widget_library\env\Lib\site-packages\PySide6\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Basic\qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic 2.15
qrc:/qml/TimerPlayback.qml:2:1: Cannot load library D:\Codes\qt_common_widget_library\env\Lib\site-packages\PySide6\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Basic\qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic 2.15
qrc:/qml/TimerPlayback.qml:2:1: Cannot load library D:\Codes\qt_common_widget_library\env\Lib\site-packages\PySide6\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Basic\qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic 2.15

The version infor:
Qt C++ MSVC 6.6.3
PySide6, shiboken6, shiboken6_generator 6.6.3
Python 3.12.0