
Update all users

Closed this issue · 11 comments

ovv commented

Add arguments to update all users and filter deleted users in the user store

async def all(self, fetch=False, deleted=False)

Query from db if not fetch else query slack api with await self._client.get_users() and update the db.

It should also add a deleted boolean in the user table of the database to permit easy query of non deleted user.

@ovv, I'm working on this, will querying from the db and the slack api return the same format? I was thinking something like this:
`async def all(self, fetch=False, deleted=False):
db = self._facades.get('database')
if fetch:
data = await self._client.get_users()

        data = await database.__dict__[db.type].user.get_all(db)

    return [
        ) for raw_data in data

And then under if fetch: add update the database. Does this make sense?

ovv commented

the raw column (raw_data['raw']) of the db should be exactly what slack replied.

great, so I could do deleted=raw['deleted']

ovv commented

For information response from SlackHQ about a deleted parameters for users.list

Hi Quentin,

Thanks for writing to us! There are no current plans to add this sort of filtering to the users.list method but I see how it would make getting data from Slack simpler. I will pass the suggestion to the product team, appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

Wish I had a better answer for you. If you have other questions, feel free to ask.


@ovv, I'm not quite clear on updating the db - should I check if the users fetched are all in the db, and if not use _add? Seems not that effiecient, but I can't think of another way right now.

ovv commented

That's the idea.

But we should create an add_multiple method for the db. I don't think sqlite provide a bulk update functionality so we would need to loop over the add.

It might not be super efficient with SQLite for big teams but we will see

Ok, thats answered that - i'll create a new method for multiple user addition and call it from all We might have to refresh the db at somepoint as previously, it won't have the deleted parameter.

ovv commented

There is a way to update the database: here and we would also need to add the new column at initialization of the db: here

@ovv, this is where I am - not sure if I can compare the two dbs like this?
`async def all(self, fetch=False, deleted=False):

        db = self._facades.get('database')
        db_data = await database.__dict__[db.type].user.get_all(db)
        if fetch:
            fetched_data = await self._client.get_users()
            users_to_add = []
            for user in fetched_data:
               if user['id'] not in db_data.keys():
            data = fetched_data
            data = db_data
        return [
            ) for raw_data in data
ovv commented

A few points

  • I think it would be best to update them regardless if they are in or not. They can have the same ID but not the same profile info for example.
  • self._add_multiple(users_to_add) should be in the database (sqlite) directory as others db could provide bulk update
  • The add method in the db should take a User object and not a dict
  • We will also need to update the User object for the deleted key

Anyways thank for hanging in there @nik849 :)