
hook call controller in hook specs

RonnyPfannschmidt opened this issue · 2 comments

currently hook specs just provide the parameters

if it was allowed to have them provide more details, this could be a win

a very initial draft is something like


def pytest_something_with_paths(call_config: HookCallConfig, path: Path | None = None, oldpath: py.path.local |None = None ) -> ...
   if path is None and old_path is None:
    rasie TypeError(...)

   return call_config.set_parameters(....)  

i'd love to bikeshed apis a bit

its also a possible replacement to #151

cc @goodboy @nicoddemus @bluetech

if it was allowed to have them provide more details, this could be a win

From the example, "more details" you mean some pre and post code that will be executed before/after the hookimpl?

@nicoddemus for now i would like to allow pre actions to enable backward compatible calls,

as for post actions, i'm not sure yet how to properly model those, in particular for historic hooks or different hook callers