
Unclear how to set "splinter-screenshot-dir" to send failure screenshots to a particular directory

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, thank you for the great project!

I'm trying to get failures to go to a specified ignored folder so they don't clutter up my project root, but I can't get it to work.

In my .pytest.ini, I've tried things like this:

-splinter-screenshot-dir = tests/acceptance/failure_screenshots

but this gives the error

.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestConfigWarning: Unknown config option: -splinter-screenshot-dir
    self._warn_or_fail_if_strict(f"Unknown config option: {key}\n")

-- Docs:

I've also tried passing it in command-line args, e.g:

pytest -splinter-screenshot-dir blah
pytest -splinter-screenshot-dir=blah
pytest splinter-screenshot-dir=blah
pytest tests/acceptance -splinter-screenshot-dir=tests/acceptance/failure_screenshots

But still get

pytest-splinter screenshots
png:  /Users/jeff/Documents/Projects/lute_v3/tests.acceptance.test_smoke/test_hit_main_page-browser.png
html: /Users/jeff/Documents/Projects/lute_v3/tests.acceptance.test_smoke/test_hit_main_page-browser.html

The folder I'm using exists.

I've read the docs and searched, but can't see how to do it correctly. Advice appreciated. Thank you!

Ha, hilarious. The docs at have the options with a single dash due to rst formatting Copy-paste:

pytest-splinter browser screenshot directory. Defaults to the current directory.

but the actual setting needs to be a double dash:

pytest tests/acceptance --splinter-screenshot-dir=tests/acceptance/failure_screenshots

So the docs need a fix. I'll check this repo.

It's just the readthedocs docs that need the fix. The docs in this repo at are correct. Well that was a waste of time.

ref sphinx-doc/sphinx#9871 - double dash shows up as single em dash.

If you'd like I can PR to this repo to add double-single-backticks around each of these items, which should fix it for readthedocs as well.

(and thanks again for the great project :-P )