How to recursively unstructure with hooks?
kkg-else42 opened this issue · 5 comments
- cattrs version: 23.2.3
- Python version: 3.11
- Operating System: Windows (dev)/Linux (prod)
Hey there,
I have put together this small example to illustrate my issue. Context is JSON serialization.
There is an outer class Frame
, whose data
field is a UnionType
(used as tagged union later).
Some fields have a None
as default value -- those should not appear in the resulting JSON string:
import attrs
from cattrs.gen import make_dict_unstructure_fn
from cattrs.preconf.json import JsonConverter, make_converter
from cattrs.strategies import configure_tagged_union
from types import UnionType
from typing import get_origin, get_args
class A:
to_keep: str = 'foo'
to_skip: str|None = None
class B:
to_keep: str = 'bar'
to_skip: str|None = None
FrameData = dict | A | B
class Frame:
data: FrameData
to_skip: str|None = None
Then there are two helpers and a hook factory:
def _contains_nonetype(type_) -> bool:
if get_origin(type_) is UnionType:
return type(None) in get_args(type_)
return type_ is type(None)
def _is_attrs_with_none_defaults(type_: type) -> bool:
return attrs.has(type_) and any(_contains_nonetype(a.type) and a.default is None
for a in attrs.fields(type_))
def _get_unstructure_without_nones(cls):
unstructure = make_dict_unstructure_fn(cl=cls, converter=conv)
fields = [ for a in attrs.fields(cls) if _contains_nonetype(a.type) and a.default is None]
def unstructure_without_nones(obj):
unstructured = unstructure(obj)
for field in fields:
if unstructured[field] is None:
return unstructured
return unstructure_without_nones
Then there is the converter, an additional hook (to add something special to the Frame
object) and the tagged union definition:
conv = make_converter()
conv.register_unstructure_hook_factory(predicate=_is_attrs_with_none_defaults, factory=_get_unstructure_without_nones)
conv.register_unstructure_hook(Frame, lambda obj: {'to_add': 'something special', **conv.unstructure_attrs_asdict(obj)})
configure_tagged_union(union=FrameData, converter=conv, tag_name='_type', tag_generator=lambda t: t.__name__.casefold(), default=dict)
If I serialize the Frame instance:
I get this:
{"to_add": "something special", "data": {"to_keep": "foo", "_type": "a"}, "to_skip": null}
But what I need is this (with the None-value attribute omitted):
{"to_add": "something special", "data": {"to_keep": "foo", "_type": "a"}}
I am sure it is related to this hook, because it works as expected without it:
conv.register_unstructure_hook(Frame, lambda obj: {'to_add': 'something special', **conv.unstructure_attrs_asdict(obj)})
It would be great if you could help me out again
Here's the problem:
lambda obj: {"to_add": "something special", **conv.unstructure_attrs_asdict(obj)},
If you call into conv.unstructure_attrs_asdict
directly your _get_unstructure_without_nones
won't get called (that function will simply do all the work).
Try this instead:
base_frame_hook = _get_unstructure_without_nones(Frame)
Frame, lambda obj: {"to_add": "something special", **base_frame_hook(obj)}
Greatly appreciated help at light speed!
What would it look like if the thing is a bit more complex? E.g. multiple hook factories and separate helpers for the hooks instead of an inline lambda definition.
I would be reluctant to couple the Frame
hook with the hook factories.
Can you give me a more complex example?
Let's take this as a starting point:
from datetime import datetime
from functools import singledispatch
from types import UnionType
from typing import Any, Final, get_origin, get_args
import attrs
from cattrs.gen import make_dict_unstructure_fn
from cattrs.preconf.json import JsonConverter, make_converter
from cattrs.strategies import configure_tagged_union
class Sub:
foo: str = 'bar'
# and some more fields (incl. other attrs types)
class A:
to_keep: str = 'foo'
to_skip: str|None = None
sub: Sub = Sub()
class B:
to_keep: str = 'bar'
to_skip: str|None = None
sub: Sub = Sub()
FrameData = dict | A | B
class Frame:
data: FrameData
to_skip: str|None = None
# and some more...
_TAGGED_UNIONS: Final[set] = {
# and some more...
_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT: Final[str] = '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'
conv = make_converter()
def _contains_nonetype(type_):
if get_origin(type_) is UnionType:
return type(None) in get_args(type_)
return type_ is type(None)
def _is_attrs_with_none_defaults(type_: type) -> bool:
return attrs.has(type_) and any(_contains_nonetype(a.type) and a.default is None
for a in attrs.fields(type_))
def _get_unstructure_without_nones(cls):
unstructure = make_dict_unstructure_fn(cl=cls, converter=conv)
fields = [ for a in attrs.fields(cls) if _contains_nonetype(a.type) and a.default is None]
def unstructure_without_nones(obj):
unstructured = unstructure(obj)
for field in fields:
if unstructured[field] is None:
return unstructured
return unstructure_without_nones
def _unstructure(obj: Any) -> dict | str:
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported type: {type(obj)}.')
def _(obj: datetime) -> str:
return obj.strftime(_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
def _(obj: Frame) -> dict:
base_unstructure = _get_unstructure_without_nones(Frame)
return {'to_add': 'something special', **base_unstructure(obj)}
def _(obj: Sub) -> dict:
modified_dict = {
# re-arrange data structure...
return conv.unstructure(modified_dict)
conv.register_unstructure_hook_factory(predicate=_is_attrs_with_none_defaults, factory=_get_unstructure_without_nones)
conv.register_unstructure_hook(data_type, lambda obj: _unstructure(obj))
for tagged_union in _TAGGED_UNIONS:
configure_tagged_union(union=tagged_union, converter=conv, tag_name='_type', tag_generator=lambda t: t.__name__.casefold(), default=dict)
Now I would like to add another hook factory, e.g. the to_camel_case
thing from the docs.
How could I integrate this? And later on I might need to add another one (and another one...). ;-)
Hi Tin,
Is there anything else I should add or is it just a busy schedule?