
SciPy 2020 Birds of a Feather Session

ksunden opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello all,

@untzag and I are hosting a BoF at the SciPy 2020 Conference on hardware interfacing and instrumentation in python.

We intend to discuss many of the things that have been discussed in this repo.

For those attending the conference, the BoF is this Tuesday 2020-07-07 at 17:00 CDT

We are planning on having a collaboratively edited google doc.

If anybody is interested who cannot attend, let me know, and I can get you access to the doc/include you in further email communications.

Could you post a read-only link to the google doc here (when it is available)? Thanks!

berl commented

bummed that I missed this! @ksunden I'd like to take a look at the doc when you get a chance

Here is a link to the doc (with emails removed since I'm posting it without any auth)

If you wish to contact an individual, I may be able to get you in touch (though many of them are pretty easy to find via github).

The format largely was "each person (who wanted to) talk briefly about their problem space, current solutions, and frustrations" then we had a bit of "which projects can we rally around".

I think the video will be posted to Enthought's youtube page in a few days, but not 100% sure (and it is likely missing the text chat that was also going on)

Many of the participants had projects they work with, but don't envision being more widely useful outside of their current scope/research group.

A few that are looking to be more broadly useful to the community:

  • yaq
    • Full disclosure, this is my own project
    • scipy 'poster'
    • Fairly general purpose RPC framework (built with Apache Avro), with a particular focus on hardware communication
    • Traits system for standardizing interfaces to similar hardware
    • Daemon based interface that allows remote connections, potential for cross language implementation, and multiple clients
  • bluesky
    • Collection of a number of subprojects
    • ophyd for hardware abstraction
    • bluesky for acquisition orchestration
    • suitcase for data recording
    • Built primarily by people at Brookhaven National Lab running the National Synchrotron Light Source II
  • Mjolnir
  • 1000x Lab
    • Enthought initiative for open hardware and lab automation, including a "Congress" (think mini conference)
    • Scipy talk

As authors of yaq, @untzag and I think our plan moving forward is to use yaq for direct hardware communication, then integrate into bluesky for higher level operations.
We have to bridge yaq objects into bluesky (the bridge is very much WIP at this point, but it is our plan to use it)

Here's a recording of the session:

I don't know yaq but I started a project some year ago with similar goal I think :