OpenLDAP - Collector
Vandy07 opened this issue · 2 comments
When i try collect metrics of my openldap, using OpenLDAP - collector, presents this messages of error:
[2018-03-12 18:23:48,641] [MainThread] Unable to query ldap://:389: {'info': u'TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file', 'errno': 21, 'desc': u'Connect error'}
[2018-03-12 18:24:08,470] [MainThread] Unable to query ldap://:389: {'info': u'TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file', 'desc': u'Connect error'}
This can be a issue?
Hello @Vandy07,
I'm not an expert on LDAP, but based on the info you've provided, it doesn't look like this is a specific problem with diamond. Are you able to connect to the LDAP server using the same configuration you've given the diamond collector?
If possible, could you provide that config here and I can take a look? Thanks.
If this ends up being a diamond specific issue, reopen.