
new tag !in

kortycodes opened this issue · 0 comments

I wrote a message for the bot for !in
I read through the !contribute bit but not too sure how to submit. If there’s a different way to do this, please let me know.

Feed back is of course welcome and highly appreciated.

I have another message regarding the use of a condition in if. Let me know if I can post that here as well or should do something else with it.

========= start of message ====
used to see if a is part of b.
a in b
return a boolean True/False.
Where b is an iterable.


a = 'foo'
b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
c = ['bar' ,'baz']

print(f'{a} in {b}? ', a in b)
print(f'{a} in {c}? ', a in c) 

The result of the function can be used directly to enter an if statement.
Rather do this:

if a in b:

Than this:

if (a in b) == True:

====== end of message =====

Potentially also part of the message, although I’m not too sure if it is the best way to do things:

=== optional ====
If a is a list we have to use all():

a = ['foo', 'bar']
b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

# Checks if all elements of a are in b.
print(all([c in b for c in a]))

==== end ====

Have a goodie!