- 2
- 4
Tag: Ternary Operator
#111 opened by RohanJnr - 2
New "!gethelp" tag to allow the community to quickly respond to a commonly asked question.
#114 opened by JustOscarJ1 - 2
Resource Suggestion: Socratica YouTube Channel
#119 opened by minalike - 9
Contribute tag suggestion.
#109 opened by SurajBhari - 5
Command to teach how to add to Path
#116 opened by spacecraft1013 - 2
Tag: `!if-else`
#110 opened by camprevail - 3
Changes to ytdl tag
#135 opened by SurajBhari - 4
Tag: dont-ask-to-ask
#134 opened by Objectivitix - 3
Add "Local File to Embed" tag
#131 opened by ChiliMX - 1
Update YouTube terms in `ytdl` tag
#130 opened by bsoyka - 0
- 3
Tag: async-await
#128 opened by vcokltfre - 3
Tag: dunder methods
#127 opened by Objectivitix - 1
Resource: Change in replit website
#121 opened - 5
Resource Suggestion: regex101
#120 opened by swfarnsworth - 2
Feature: Change channel name of #tools-and-devops
#105 opened by Auto-5 - 3
Improving help channels
#95 opened by jacobmonck - 1
Feature: Share code snippet
#104 opened by CyberCitizen01 - 1
Feature: Raid Management
#101 opened by onerandomusername - 5
Channel: Roles
#97 opened by janine9vn - 2
- 1
Change phrasing and grammar of good/bad behavior examples in the Code of Conduct
#98 opened by am-a-wnb - 1
Rename the #async channel
#96 opened by swfarnsworth - 7
More Voice Channels
#91 opened by jbutcher5 - 1
Feature: User's with an open help channel have a role with the help channel name
#89 opened by ChrisLovering - 2
Channel: packaging
#90 opened by cjauvin - 2
Increase aviable help channels
#92 opened by OpenPiece - 2
Feature: Index the rules for 0
#87 opened by GDWR - 1
- 1
- 6
Suggestion: Creating a channel for selecting team members for do projects as a team
#79 opened by StoneSteel27 - 11
- 7
- 1
- 4
- 1
Channel: Code advice/review
#84 opened by Xpl0itU - 2
Feature: SelfBot Filter
#83 opened by ChiliMX - 8
- 4
Feature:A.I. to help moderators moderate rule breakers, scammers and spammers
#82 opened by StoneSteel27 - 2
New Neural network dedicated channel
#80 opened by RAHUL13-13 - 1
#76 opened by ChiliMX - 6
#77 opened by ChiliMX - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 13
Ubuntu codenames for help channel names
#67 opened by ks129 - 2
- 3
Finding fresh help channels
#66 opened