
latex preamble update part 2: fun with TikZ

3ddP opened this issue · 0 comments

3ddP commented


The latex preamble determines which packages/commands are available to the user when writing .tex input for .latex command. This proposal involves adding fun TikZ-related packages to the latex preamble, which is located in sir-lancebot/bot/resources/fun/latex_template.txt. The proposed packages are:

  • tikzducks, which allows the creation of (modestly cursed) ducks with a simple command
  • tikz-among-us, with which users can create amogi in a single line of code instead of copy-pasting my old script


It can be fun and the ducks all look concerned.

Proposed Implementation

The proposed implementation includes replacing the current header's line 6, which reads

\usepackage{tikz}  % from here on, to make nice diagrams with tikz

with the following lines:

\usepackage{tikz} % from here on, to make nice diagrams with tikz
\usetikzlibrary{ducks} % easy ducks
\usepackage{tikz-among-us} % easy amogi

Everything else in the header should be left untouched.

Additional Details

If you want to test before deploying, the following lines of text fed to the .latex command should generate a school of ducks and a single amogus:

    \duck[xshift=90pt, scale=.3, yshift=150pt]
    \duck[xshift=60pt, scale=.3, yshift=100pt]
    \duck[body=gray!50!white, head=gray!50!white,
        xshift=80pt, scale=.3, yshift=50pt]


Would you like to implement this yourself?

  • I'd like to implement this feature myself
  • Anyone can implement this feature